We specialize in food products.
Al-Ahlam Company for Food Products is a sophisticated industrial facility established in 1974 by the Sheikh Qwaider family in Syria.
We manufacture and export the finest foodstuffs, including tomato paste, jams, qamr al-din, pickles, olives, lamb, canned food, juices and other items.
The company was developed to fit the development of the food industries that our country is witnessing in particular and the world in general, as well as the production lines were developed to produce more to suit the demand in the local and global markets. From the very beginning,
Al-Ahlam for Food Products has paid great attention to producing a distinctive natural product within strict standard specifications that includes the good product of high quality and health free from preservative and transgenic materials and flavors and industrial dyes,
and guarantees the safety of food for our valued customers, which made the name of dreams reliable by our customers in all Around the world, this resulted in our international quality certification ISO 9001 and ISO 22000....
Globally, our products are exported and distributed in most countries of the world in Europe, the Americas, and the Arab world. Our products are distinguished by their distinct flavor, taste and quality,
as they are made from the finest types of fresh and natural agricultural crops, one hundred percent, and they are also available in several types of packaging such as glass, plastic and metal packages.
Al-Ahlam Company for Food Products is a sophisticated industrial facility established in 1974 by the Sheikh Qwaider family in Syria.
We manufacture and export the finest foodstuffs, including tomato paste, jams, qamr al-din, pickles, olives, lamb, canned food, juices and other items.
The company was developed to fit the development of the food industries that our country is witnessing in particular and the world in general, as well as the production lines were developed to produce more to suit the demand in the local and global markets. From the very beginning,
Al-Ahlam for Food Products has paid great attention to producing a distinctive natural product within strict standard specifications that includes the good product of high quality and health free from preservative and transgenic materials and flavors and industrial dyes,
and guarantees the safety of food for our valued customers, which made the name of dreams reliable by our customers in all Around the world, this resulted in our international quality certification ISO 9001 and ISO 22000.
Globally, our products are exported and distributed in most countries of the world in Europe, the Americas, and the Arab world. Our products are distinguished by their distinct flavor, taste and quality,
as they are made from the finest types of fresh and natural agricultural crops, one hundred percent, and they are also available in several types of packaging such as glass, plastic and metal packages.
Al-Ahlam Company for Food Products est une installation industrielle sophistiquée créée en 1974 par la famille Sheikh Qwaider en Syrie. Nous fabriquons et exportons les meilleurs produits alimentaires, y compris la pâte de tomate, les confitures, le qamr al-din, les cornichons, les olives, l'agneau, les aliments en conserve, les jus et autres articles.
La société a été développée pour s'adapter au développement des industries alimentaires dont notre pays est témoin en particulier et le monde en général, ainsi que les lignes de production ont été développées pour produire davantage pour répondre à la demande des marchés locaux et mondiaux. Depuis le tout début, Al-Ahlam for Food Products a accordé une grande attention à la production d'un produit naturel distinctif dans le cadre de spécifications standard strictes qui comprend le bon produit de haute qualité et de santé exempt de conservateurs et de matériaux et d'arômes transgéniques et de colorants industriels, et garantit le sécurité alimentaire pour nos précieux clients, qui a rendu le nom des rêves fiable de nos clients dans le monde entier, cela a abouti à notre certification de qualité internationale ISO 9001 et ISO 22000.
Globalement, nos produits sont exportés et distribués dans la plupart des pays du monde en Europe, les Amériques et le monde arabe. Nos produits se distinguent par leur saveur, leur goût et leur qualité distincts, car ils sont fabriqués à 100% à partir des meilleurs types de cultures agricoles fraîches et naturelles, et ils sont également disponibles dans plusieurs types d'emballages tels que des emballages en verre, en plastique et en métal. .
شركة الأحلام للمنتجات الغذائية هي منشأة صناعية متطورة تأسست عام 1974 من قبل عائلة الشيخ قويدر في سوريا. نقوم بتصنيع وتصدير أجود المواد الغذائية من معجون الطماطم والمربيات وقمر الدين والمخللات والزيتون والضأن والأغذية المعلبة والعصائر وغيرها
تم تطوير الشركة لتتناسب مع تطور الصناعات الغذائية التي تشهدها بلادنا بشكل خاص والعالم بشكل عام ، وكذلك تم تطوير خطوط الإنتاج لإنتاج المزيد بما يتناسب مع الطلب في الأسواق المحلية والعالمية. أولت شركة الأحلام للمنتجات الغذائية منذ البداية اهتماما كبيرا بإنتاج منتج طبيعي مميز ضمن مواصفات قياسية صارمة تشمل المنتج الجيد ذو الجودة العالية والصحية الخالية من المواد الحافظة والمعدلة وراثيا والنكهات والأصباغ الصناعية ، وتضمن سلامة الغذاء لعملائنا الكرام ، مما جعل اسم الأحلام موثوقًا به من قبل عملائنا في جميع أنحاء العالم ،ISO 9001 و ISO 22000 نتج عن ذلك الحصول على شهادتنا الدولية للجودة.
على الصعيد العالمي ، يتم تصدير منتجاتنا وتوزيعها في معظم دول العالم في أوروبا والأمريكتين والعالم العربي. تتميز منتجاتنا بنكهتها المميزة ومذاقها وجودتها المتميزة ، حيث أنها مصنوعة من أجود أنواع المحاصيل الزراعية الطازجة والطبيعية بنسبة مائة بالمائة ، كما أنها متوفرة بعدة أنواع من العبوات مثل العبوات الزجاجية والبلاستيكية والمعدنية .
What we have created